Wednesday, January 10, 2018



Idk whats going on with me lately. I had late night thoughts everyday. And i will be overthinking about the simplest shit and i will get sad for no reason. I cried for a few days now. I kinda hate myself. Not kinda. I fucking hate myself. Im faken useless. Im better off dead.

Babi la idk whats going on

Can my fucking mind stop fucking around with me

Im just

The type of person that'll live without anyone's love

Because im that strong

But now im fucking weak and
I cant do anything about me


Mind > me now

Wednesday, January 3, 2018


usually I'll make a list of new year resolutions few days before 1st Jan of the new year. this year, I'll make the list on the 3rd. Getting lazier. This is not a good start --'

Okay so here we go. New hope, new dreams and new goals to achieve.

1. As always, no rice, no burger. Limit my carbohydrates
2. Fast food only once a month. I had my January mcd just now 
3. 55kg!!!! Going to gym, getting out of the comfort zone nad
4. Dean's list, strive harder
5. Solat 5 waktu sehari semalam allahu
6. AlMulk every night. I already skip for this 2 of Jan. Nad why
7. Less hate!
8. Stop bad mouthing 
9. See things in positive side
10. Dont give up easily
11. Boys R NOT everything
12. Less shopping?
13. Skincare routine!
14. Less cursing
15. To be continued.