Monday, February 5, 2018

Update: new year resolution

On January 3rd 2018 i made list of my new year's resolution

And here's an update. And U R GOING TO HATE IT NAD

1. As always, no rice, no burger. Limit my carbohydrates ((who am i joking!!! I regularly ate rice now! Bhahaha. I ate nasi beriyani today, nasi lauk for lunch yesterday, nasi at Vicchuda for dinner yesterday, and nasi with delicious ikan siakap thai style few days ago))

2. Fast food only once a month. I had my January mcd just now ((this is also a joke!!! I had multiple mcds and burger king for the past month!!!))

3. 55kg!!!! Going to gym, getting out of the comfort zone nad ((idk gais i am still scared to go out and experienced the gym :'( ))

4. Dean's list, strive harder

5. Solat 5 waktu sehari semalam allahu

6. AlMulk every night. I already skip for this 2 of Jan. Nad why ((nad why u skipped al mulk! I hate u. I had the al mulk routine during my final exam and now it's semester break and you gonna give the almulk a break too???))

7. Less hate! ((good job))

8. Stop bad mouthing
9. See things in positive side ((good job))

10. Dont give up easily ((good job))

11. Boys R NOT everything ((good job))

12. Less shopping?

13. Skincare routine! ((good job))

14. Less cursing

15. To be continued.

better me

I selalu je nak berubah. Bila tengok tudung tutorial kat youtube and the model tunjuk the style yg labuh like labuh gila, selalu terdetik kat hati i, I'll look good like this. Maybe i should try this style

Or maybe not

I usually thought, our appearance is our own self reflection

If inner me is actually jahat, like you know busuk hati and suka gosip mengumpat mencarut etc then it will be no use if i nak pakai macam tu

So i guess i need to change my inner self first

That's why from 28 Jan 2018. I started this no mencarut for a year challenge

Coz sampai bila i nak mencarut kan?

Sampai kahwin? Sampai ada anak?

I recently had a conversation with farid on whatsapp. And i usually mencarut dekat dia cos he's funny?

But i successfully tak mencarut langsung td

It's good

It's time to change nad.

Slowly but surely

xx nad